Sept. 5, 2023
Meeting Place: Red Buckman Community Center, Gilbert
Welcome\Introductions: Don Kicked off our meeting.
Guest and family additions: We had about 25 members. Nick Bergan from Iowa State was present, talking about the Iowa state tractor show at the Molecular Bio lot Sunday October 1st at 10 or 11am to 2pm, dependent on weather. Their club is working on an Alice D17, will start a new project on a Farmall International MTA next.
Treasurer Report: $1,500
Old Business: Thanks to Paul Ness for hosting last month’s meeting and Annual Corn Bologna Dinner at Heritage Timber’s Barn Venue.
Bob gave an update on Marlene and Bruce’s health.
New Business: Next meeting will likely be at the High School
We need new presenters.
Steve is taking anyone who wants to go on a group trip to the Heartland Museum in Clarion on Friday Sept. 8th. Starts at Vintage Retirement Center. So far about 20 people have signed up.
Auction or Threshing events: Alvin Reiter auction Sat. Sept. 9th at 12351 290th St Ackley @ 9 am. Mark Arend’s Auctioneering.
For sale: Bruce and Marlene are selling their Olivers and lawn mowers
Presentation: Dick Struve, tractor club original member. Dick found his historical steam engine boiler 3 years ago in Colorado and has worked many long hours to restore it as close to original a possible. It was originally built in 1894. His is probably the only operating one of its kind in existence and there are no parts for it. He has found pieces and parts over the years and has had to make many of them, including learning how to rethread his own bolts on a lathe and cast new handles to match an existing one. There is very little information available and he sometimes only had pictures to go by, having to build special tools to get the job done. It was over built in the day, and now exceeds even today’s safety ratings. The steam engine pressure tests at 175 psi, even though he only runs it at 125. It runs on water and wood and is relatively quiet. He recently ran the Forest City carousel with it and says someday he may donate it to the Story City Carousel, though not any time soon as there is still much he’d like to do to it.